The Policy

Riyadh-ul-Jannah Academy wants all students to achieve the best possible outcome in their course of study. At the same time the Academy wants the students, teachers and staff to feel safe and respected. Hence it sets out standards of behaviour expected from the students and the steps that will be taken upon breach of those standards..

Students are expected to observe the following code of conduct whilst at the Academy onsite, online or on any of the communication platforms

  • Sit in the classroom in a manner fitting for a student of knowledge. Approach lessons with sincerity and a deep conviction to learn and not to show off their own knowledge in front of the teacher or other students.
  • Respect and honour the teacher
  • Meet deadlines for work set by the teachers and discuss any problems you might have with your teacher
  • Attend sessions on time, if you cannot, notify RJA management and your teacher.
  • Respect fellow students and staff from different backgrounds
  • Not behave in a manner which could be viewed as bullying or harassment to staff and students
  • Not use violent behaviour of any kind
  • Not act in a way that degrades or humiliates anyone, or in a way which others find offensive, intimidating or hostile
  • Not use racist or sexist language
  • Report any worrying behaviour to teacher, head teacher or RJA management

Failure to comply with could result in disciplinary actions, suspension or removal from the course